Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to let you know that Jamie will be coming home today, Friday August 20th! We are very excited. He will still have to go back to Accute Rehab in about 4 weeks time once his bones have healed more and he can then start to bear weight on his lower body and right arm. His new room will be in the kids playroom so needless to say the last few days have been a flurry of going through toys and games. Walker re-discovered the doll stroller and was rolling himself around in it pretending it was a wheelchair...just like dad! Thanks to Buestad Construction we have a custom made wheelchair ramp in the front on which they posted 2 MPH max...not sure if that was for Jamie or the kids.
Just give us a call if you want to come see the patient in his new digs!
Thanks - Gail
Great to hear!